montessori For The Future

Find ideas, activities, and practice to bring your classroom and teaching up a level while laying a foundation of environmental awareness for a better tomorrow.


Montessori For the Future is all about improving education, with a primary focus on early childhood and the Montessori method. I believe that Maria Montessori made a significant shift in education when she refined and shared her methods over 100 years ago. Many of us educators, whether we consider ourselves Montessorians or not, are continuing her mission. We are scientists, noticing problems, making changes, and observing results.

When I first started teaching, over 10 years ago now, I was already on the bus to make education better. My experiences in traditional classrooms and in Montessori ones convinced me that the Montessori methodology absolutely makes education better. As we do not live in a stagnant world, it comes as no surprise that even within a highly effective pedagogy, there is room for improvement.

The regular academic areas such as language and math, along with eco consciousness, social emotional skill building, and fine motor strengthening can continue to be refined. Today’s students have specific needs and the tools at our fingertips allow us to quickly bring new iterations of ideas to life. That is what you will find here; carefully curated materials and lessons that meet the needs of both teacher and students.

I find myself regularly creating and updating materials for my classroom, along with presentations and lessons. You will find the results of my endeavors available for purchase here. You will also find blog posts about why these items were developed, what necessitated them, and how they are used. I’m glad you are here and hope you find the information helpful and share your own insights!

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